Monday, November 9, 2009

"He Shed the Blood"

I came up from the water; He shed the blood
Our mothers looked on with proud tears
I shined from cleanliness and felt complete
A perfect life, never to be washed away

The book, set apart from the rest
Once was all I needed in the life
No other love, No other joy
No other way; He shed the blood

The apple, red like His blood, tasted so sweet
Like a snake, it lured me in
So intoxicated I could no longer see
It caught me and I could not leave

Stumbling through the orchard
Not knowing up from down
But He left His blood, like bread crumbs,
To guide me, if only I could follow; He shed the blood

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Irrisistible Revolution

"We live in a world of oxymorons and contradictions."

"I believe we are amid a great awakening in the slumbering body of Christ. I once heard someone call us the Lazarus generation, for we are a generation rising from the apathetic deadness of this world, a church that is awakening from her slumber."

Shane Claiborne